Galleri Sjöhästen
Aktuell utställning


Utställningar i urval:

2007 Galleri Sjöhästen , Nyköping, Sweden
2005 Juin de la Celle Saint Cloud
2003 4 exhibitions Edgard le Marchand d'Art, Paris
2003 Centre Culturel, Aragon, Triolet, Orly
2003 Studio, Portes Ouvertes rue Riquet,Paris
2002 3 exhibitions Edgard le Marchand d'Art Paris
2002 Centre Culturel Vitry
2002 Studio, Portes Ouvertes rue Riquet, Paris
2001 Trinité, Boliv'art - Paris


Sophie Junguenet was born in Paris in 1965
in a artistic environment.
Through her grandfather and godfather she spent time with painters, illustrators and actors.
Very early she specialized in ballet and went to the Children Art School in Paris. She took ballet classes with Solange Golovine and danced during 15 years. After a last Festival d'Avignon she worked in North of America in advertising and more precisely in graphics and painting.
Since 6 years Sophie is a painter and does scenography in Paris.


Ons-Fre 15-18
Lö 11-15


Galleri Sjöhästen Nyköping
Stora Torget 1


0155-28 78 11

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